The CDCUL consortium met in Maastricht June 17-18. Maastricht is located in Limburg, the southern-most province of the Netherlands, but its culture and architecture is influenced by its proximity to Belgium and Germany. The city is home to our project partners at the Maastricht Sustainability Institute which is housed in a former military citadel near the city’s southern edge.

This was our second of four in-person consortium meetings in the project. As always it was a pleasure and a luxury to collaborate in-person. Our goal was to take the final steps toward finalizing the first full draft of our choice modelling survey, which is the analytical core of the CDCUL project. The survey will be distributed online to 3,000 individuals—1,000 in each of the participating countries. It will help us understand how willingness to pay for different shared-access spaces and services varies among people in different countries. We will probe whether willingness to pay is influenced by price (it almost always is), payment method (e.g. per month or per use), book-ability, the type of management, and time travelled to access the service.